know what..
td ak men2 ng membe ak kan...
sesaje bosan2..ktorg xda wt ape kan..
di saat org tgh sebok siapkan asgnment..ktorg cm free je..
sbb ape?? SBB U N ME memg sgt RAJEN!
but then we all stalker that one guys..
so from there we can make a conclusion from the hypothesis we have ryt...
hypothesis is accepted!
oke 2je..
haha !
no laa...xpuas ah entry smpi c2 je kan..
so like this..
actually from my observation la kan..
most of the people who already break..they tends to remember and glance back to their sweet memoir 2gether with their ex...
that common..
but this 1 guys..
huh!da mcm kesian ak tgk..
(tiru gaya zizan dalam KL gangster)
2la..ko jgk yg mtk break kan..
skang da jd cm DESPEREDO da ak tgk...
sume laki/pompuan ko nk layan kan..
kot2 la ad tersangkut kan..
mane nk tauw..
hey u!
just stay still..behave urself keyh!
ur mr/ms ryt is waiting 4u..
ap yg perlu ko buat BERSABAR
bole x??
mungkin korg da xda jdoh kan..
wut to do...
nk cri ex blek.da mcm ego ltk kt kaki kan..
mane bole kan...
so jd la ko cm kesian g2..
tp xpela kan at least u guys da break bwu tauw kan..
tauw mcm mane nk hargai org..
pssst! ad org 2 da hepi kan..
envy tauw u guys!
(gaya gedik) hahahhaha :PP
p/s: Break ups aren’t always meant for make ups.
Sometimes relationships are ended for you to wake up.